Sun, 24 August 2014
Why do some businesses take off and others get stuck? This is a big question that really perplexes so many people. It really comes down to two parts. The first we discuss in this episode which are the fundamentals to business, specifically “who do your serve”. The second is speed of implementation. However, if you don’t have the these fundamentals in place…you will likely be chasing the wrong strategy. Listen in to discover what you can do to find out more about getting rich in the niche. This is so much more than just money. Get the show notes for 071 Gene Hammett |Get Rich in the Niche Click to Tweet: Listening to an amazing episode on Leaders in the Trenches with @GeneHammett #FundamentalstoBusiness #BusinessesTakeoff #Episode071 #Podcasts Give Leaders in the Trenches a review on iTunes!
Direct download: 071_Gene_Hammett_Get_Riche_in_the_Niche_01-final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:46pm EST |