Growth Think Tank

Not many business owners are willing to share with you the mistakes they made in the past. I think it is out of fear of how they will be perceived. I think that sharing our vulnerable areas actually can help us connect with people that want to know you better before doing business with you. Therefore in this episode, I share with you the three mistakes I realized in 2014. One of these has been the catalyst for my own growth in 2014. I hope it will help you. I also give you my pivots too. A pivot is a shift in direction, not a change in strategy. Then I share the successes I have had in 2014 that include some clients, my goals and even what I have done with the podcast. Listen in to the episode and let me know what pivots you have taken from your mistakes.

Get the show notes for 117 | Mistakes, Pivots and Successes in 2014 with Gene Hammett

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